The nematode Bursaphelenchus okinawaensis, is self-fertilizing, hermaphroditic, fungus-feeding and has been used as a laboratory model for the genus Bursaphelenchus, which includes the important plant pathogen Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. B. xylophilus infects trees in the Pinus genus of coniferous trees and causes the disease pine wilt, comprising a serious threat to Asian and European conifer forests.
Nanopore long reads were assembled at the University of Miyazaki using Flye v2.7.1. Base correction was then performed with the Illumina paired-end reads with two rounds of Pilon v1.23, as described by Sun et al., 2020.
A canonical gene set was submitted to WormBase ParaSite by the authors (see Sun et al, 2020)