M. floridensis is a highly polyphagous plant-parasitic root-knot nematode that was originally characterised as M. incognita but has since been re-investigated and described as a separate species on the basis of morphology and a unique esterase isozyme pattern.
SK is supported by a School of Biological Sciences studentship and an Overseas Research Studentship (ORS) of the School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh, and GK by a BBSRC Research Studentship and an ORS award. The GenePool has core support from the NERC (award R8/H10/56) and MRC (G0900740).
Genome Team
DNA from female egg masses of M. floridensis isolate 5 was generously sourced and provided from culture by Dr Tom Powers (University of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA) and Dr Janete Brito (Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Gainesville, USA). Sequencing was performed by the GenePool Genomics Facility, University of Edinburgh. Assembly and annotation of the genome was performed by Sujai Kumar.